The Gazzign System is a unique electronic display system that allows the operator to quickly and easily inform customers which grades are at each pump array and whether they are available or unavailable at any particular time. By use of a wireless tablet PC placed conveniently in the kiosk, the green ticks √ can be changed to red crosses X by one touch of the screen and changed back just as easily. By means of a simple on-screen display, the Gazzign copywritten software mimics the pump array layout that is on your forecourt including pump numbers. All the operator has to do is touch the tick or cross they want to change and that's it.
The Gazzign also allows you to close an array of dispensers at any time by changing all the green ticks to all red crosses. This is particularly useful for fuel deliveries, fuel spills, breakdowns or maintenance jobs.
The additional Text Box incorporated at the base of the unit can display scrolling, flashing or static text messages that can also inform customers of Pay @ Pump Only, Pay @ Kiosk Only, right or left hand pumps out of use, Use Both Sides, Long Hoses or even shop promotions. All these functions are selected from a drop-down menu on the tablet.
The text box can display any message you require by pre-setting the options via the password protected software program designed and copyright to the Gazzign System.
Once the options are input, it is a simple matter of selecting the desired message from the drop-down menu and the message is displayed automatically on the relevant display panel or panels